Where is China's hardware industry going?

Wide range of hardware products, such as mold industry, China has gradually become the world's largest hardware processing and export countries, and has become one of the world's hardware production countries, has a vast market and consumer potential, mold hardware is also an important part of China's hardware industry, " The 12th Five-Year Plan period is a crucial period for China to properly respond to major changes in the domestic and international environment for development and accelerate the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. It is also a critical period for the healthy development of China's mold manufacturing industry. Although there are many uncertain factors at home and abroad, our economy The development is still in the period of rapid growth. The comparative advantages of China's molds in the international mold market are still there, and the domestic mold market is expected to continue to be optimistic. The development of the mold industry presents a major trend.

The accuracy of the mold will be higher and higher. Ten years ago, the accuracy of precision molds was generally 5 micrometers, and now it has reached 2 to 3 micrometers. Soon the mold with 1 micron precision will be on the market. This requires superfinishing. The mold industry will become larger and larger. This is due to the development of a "multi-cavity" due to the increasing size of mold parts and high production efficiency requirements. The mold industry multi-functional composite mold will be further developed. In addition to punching and forming parts, the new multi-functional composite molds also carry out assembly tasks such as lamination, tapping, riveting, and locking, and the performance requirements for steel materials are also increasing.

Furniture hardware industry With the continuous development of economy, people's living standards continue to increase, the spirit and material culture requirements are getting higher and higher, this demand has also led to the continuous development and innovation of the home industry, the industry is increasingly demanding for home hardware Big, the home hardware industry has shown different changes.

The integration of appearance and function: furniture hardware is divided into two categories of decorative hardware and functional hardware. Many furniture hardware makers invisibly separated the two, decorative hardware does not pay attention to functional development, functional hardware research and development of its decorative inadequate, there is a disconnect between the two. Take the door-to-door accessories as an example. For many years, the functions and structure have been continuously improved, but they do not pay attention to the unity of their decoration. Although many products are well-used, they do not always look good. In recent years, with the improvement of the level of innovative design, many designers are paying attention to the hardware of furniture and review the hardware of furniture with the concept of industrial design. The integration of the appearance and function of furniture hardware is a trend in the development of furniture hardware. .

Humanized design: The quality of life improves, and the quality of every detail in life will also attract attention. Furniture hardware best reflects the quality of life details. The opening and closing of cabinet doors, the opening and closing of drawers... Excellent furniture hardware can reflect the human-oriented principle of humanity in these daily actions. The concept of humanity, such as safety, labor saving, silence, and comfort, will be further integrated into the development and design of furniture hardware. This is also an inevitable requirement of social development.

Hardware industry trends With the economic and social development, the hardware industry will show new trends in the future. Let us discuss.

(I) The polarization of the business has further intensified. It is understood that the next few years will be the high-speed oscillation period of the hardware industry. The direct consequence of this high-speed shock is the expansion of the polarization trend in the current hardware and kitchen brand camp. It is expected that the hardware companies that can really survive in the market in the next few years will definitely not be so much now. However, this high-speed oscillation in the hardware industry will bring huge opportunities. The result of the shock will make the market operation more rational.

(II) The capital operation in the industry is active and the cooperation between enterprises has been significantly strengthened. In an environment of global competition, industrial capital is another subject of industry operations in order to obtain a favorable competitive position and improve competitiveness. In 2004, Supor and Vantage went on the market successively. Hongbao was also working hard for the listing. Wanhe's capital market operation will not stop due to the failure of restructuring with Yuemei. From a capital perspective, the current major feature is the expansion of capital. From the point of view of competitive behavior, cooperation in resource sharing among enterprises is increasing.

(3) The integration of domestic and foreign enterprises has been further accelerated. Domestic hardware companies, in order to increase their own strength and expand the international market faster, will accelerate the integration with foreign companies through various means to improve product quality and competitiveness. While continuing to expand markets in the United States, Japan, and other traditional countries, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Russia, Europe, and Africa will also fully blossom. It is understood that the Chinese hardware industry will continue the momentum of structural adjustment and continue to highlight some bright spots. The polarization of hardware companies will intensify, and some companies that do not adapt to market competition will withdraw from market competition through different channels, and hardware giants will gradually surface.

(d) Market competition will shift from price-based to high-quality, high-tech products. With the deepening of competition, the profit space in all stages of the hardware industry chain is being compressed, and the space for price reduction is decreasing. More and more companies are realizing that it is impossible to establish core competitiveness based on price competition alone, and not the direction of long-term development, in an effort to explore new development paths. Many hardware companies have increased their investment in technology, developed new products with high technological content, made product differentiation as a long-term plan for enterprise development, sought new market demand, and established new economic growth points (into small household appliances and Other similar industries) to achieve the sustainable development of enterprises.

Where will the hardware industry go in the future? It's worth our while to discuss. Let us first look at the development trend of various small industries! The hardware industry is gradually moving into the consumer's field of vision from the invisible brand. Low-price competition, imitation, and OEM production are limited to a certain historical stage. With the development of the industry and the upgrading of competition, the product technology content is increased, the company has independent patents and designs, and the emphasis on brand building and marketing has become a long-term development of the company. The best choice.

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