Promote the industry's leap-forward development from a large-to-strong strategic joint venture with an open eye

In the development of the national diamond industry in the past 50 years, after numerous times of ups and downs, there are hundreds of diamond manufacturers of all sizes at the peak, and with the intensification of competition, the survival of the fittest, the existing man-made in the industry There are fewer than 20 diamond manufacturers. ...
In the development of the national diamond industry in the past 50 years, after numerous ups and downs, there are hundreds of diamond manufacturers of all sizes at the peak, and with the intensification of competition, the survival of the fittest, the existing synthetic diamond in the industry. There are fewer than 20 manufacturers. In the brutal competition, Jingri Diamond Industry Co., Ltd. has withstood many major tests of life and death. Under the leadership of Chairman Dai Zhi, through continuous reform, innovation, joint venture and cooperation, it has explored a unique difference. The development path has gone through the process of entrepreneurship, glory, low valley, re-starting and glory. It has become one of the top two state-owned enterprises with the largest capacity in the industry, the first-class equipment and technology industry, and the soon-to-be-listed industry.

Jingri Diamond Industry Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise invested and controlled by China Metallurgical Geology Bureau, a central enterprise under the jurisdiction of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. The company was formerly known as the synthetic diamond drill bit drilling tool factory established in 1975. At the beginning of the plant, there were only 9 sets of 600 tons. The press and synthetic diamond design has an annual production capacity of only 280,000 carats. After 38 years of development, it has an annual production capacity of 350 presses and 1 billion carats. The types of diamond tools have also been expanded, from single synthetic diamond drill bits to sawing, cutting, drilling and grinding. It has become a well-established, technologically advanced and leading-edge product manufacturer with a tooling capacity of over RMB 200 million. The products cover raw and auxiliary materials for synthetic diamond synthesis, synthetic diamond single crystals and synthetic diamond products, covering the upstream and downstream industrial chain of super-hard materials. It is a state-owned medium-sized enterprise integrating design, development, production and sales and transnational operation. By the end of 2012, Jingri Company has total assets of more than 800 million, and has three diamond single crystal production bases (Hebei Yanjiao Headquarters, Beijing Mentougou, Beijing Dongba), and two diamond tool production bases (Qingdao Huangdao, South Korea). Incheon, a composites company and a provincial technology center, owns two internationally renowned brands, “Jingri” brand diamond single crystal and “Xiaocheng” brand diamond tool. Superhard materials and their products have been confirmed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission as the second main business of China Metallurgical Geology Bureau. Jingri Diamond Industry Co., Ltd. has also become one of the backbone enterprises controlled by China Metallurgical Geology Bureau. The achievement of these achievements is inseparable from the efforts of Comrade Dai Zhi, chairman of Jingri Company.

In 1994, Comrade Dai Zhi, who was only 32 years old, began to work in the diamond industry company of the First Geological Exploration Bureau of the Ministry of Metallurgy. He devoted himself to the manufacturing of super-hard materials. Today, he has been fighting for enterprises for nearly 20 years. Dedicating the best years of life to the super-hard materials business, the original spirit has become mature and stable, from the original black hair to two white spots, the eyes are more wise, the work is more stable, and the perseverance is more determined. In the course of its nearly 20 years, with the rise and fall of the industry, the company's honor and disgrace has experienced countless setbacks and glory. This 20-year course is a journey of struggle and a process of entrepreneur growth.

First, in the system of the General Administration, the first implementation of the enterprise shareholding system transformation, stimulated the vitality of the enterprise

From 1994 to 2000, Comrade Dai Zhi served as general manager of the company and deputy secretary of the party committee. The steel ring factory and the graphite mold factory were established, and the first domestic industry organization, the Diamond Northern Intelligence Network, was established. Later it was renamed as the Industrial Diamond Information Network, and the inter-departmental and cross-regional excellent assets alliance with the central office as the core was implemented. Sanhe Yanjiao Jingri Diamond Industry Co., Ltd. was established after the restructuring of the former China National General Bureau of Metallurgical Bureau of Diamond Industry, and six production and operation units were established. The board of directors, the board of supervisors and the management organization were established in accordance with the requirements of the Company Law. Really operating in accordance with the modern enterprise approach, all production and business activities of the company are centered on the market, which stimulates the vitality of the enterprise.

From 2000 to 2002, Dai Zhi, the deputy director of the First Bureau of China Metallurgical Bureau and the general manager of Jingri Diamond Industry Co., Ltd., completed the foreign investment, mergers, reorganization and other forms of success in Shanxi Kalinan. The restructuring and transformation of Materials Company and Ningbo Huantian Diamond Industry Co., Ltd., the establishment of Jingxi Diamond Co., Ltd. Ningbo Branch and Jingri Diamond Co., Ltd. Shanxi Single Crystal Production Workshop, rapidly expanded the company's synthetic diamond production scale at that time.

The second and fifth joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions have expanded the development platform of the company and found a unique development path.

In April 2002, Comrade Dai Zhi’s business relationship with Korean friends, his wise vision and courage made the other party convinced, and volunteered to cooperate with the company to establish Sino-Korea joint venture Jingri Diya Diamond Tools Co., Ltd., Jingri Company Holdings 75 %. This is the first step taken by the company in accordance with the development strategy proposed by Comrade Dai Zhi, “joint venture and outward management”.

The joint venture ended in December 2003 with the withdrawal of Diya from Jingdi Diya. Although the joint venture time is not long, it has brought new management concepts and innovative development ideas to the company.

In 2004, Comrade Dai Zhi reached a common vision in the diamond trade process with South Korea's Xiaocheng Company. He vigorously introduced the funds, equipment and technology of South Korea's Xiaocheng Company, and established a joint venture to build Sanhe Yanjiao Jingcheng Diamond Tools Co., Ltd. The capital is more than 20 million yuan, and Jingri Company holds 60%. The joint venture brought new equipment, advanced technology and management to the development of the company's products industry.

In September 2006, Comrade Dai Zhi seized the opportunity to introduce CUMI of India with a capital of 5 million US dollars, and reorganized Sanhe Yanjiao Jingri Diamond Industry Co., Ltd. into Jingri Kemei Superhard Materials Co., Ltd. with a registered capital of 80 million. Yuan Renminbi, China Metallurgical Geology Bureau holds 51.3%. In April 2009, due to the impact of the international financial crisis and the common aspirations of both partners, and also due to the company's development strategy, Jingri Kemei Superhard Materials Co., Ltd. was separated. In December 2009, the China Metallurgical Geology Bureau was established. Jingri Diamond Industry Co., Ltd. has a registered capital of 53.865 million yuan. The joint venture expanded the company's development platform and learned the lessons of joint venture and cooperation, laying a good foundation for the company's subsequent development.

Subsequently, Chairman Dai Zhi actively explored the foreign diamond market and found an opportunity. In March 2010, he introduced the Lulua Asia Technology Co., Ltd. petroleum composite sheet production technology, and jointly established Sanhe Jingri Diamond Composite. Materials Co., Ltd., Crystal Japan Holdings 51%. In early 2011, we seized the opportunity to complete the acquisition of South Korea's leading diamond tool manufacturing company, Korea Xiaocheng D & P Co., Ltd., to absorb the large-cavity synthesis process, the domestic first-class Beijing Chengxin Diamond Co., Ltd., and the first domestic introduction. Beijing Dexinsheng Non-Metallic Materials Co., Ltd., which develops powder catalyst for synthetic diamond. In the same year, it invested 300 million yuan to build a new single crystal south workshop and a synthetic material workshop, showing great courage and courage.

These five joint ventures have enabled the company to continue to grow and develop, while also skilfully removing the impact of the industry downturn and the international financial crisis.

Third, actively respond to the crisis and adjust the strategy in real time.

In 2002, Comrade Dai Zhi proposed the company's development strategy of “joint venture and cooperation, export-oriented operation”. The company became one of the earliest enterprises to export synthetic diamond single crystals in China. In 2009, due to the impact of the international financial crisis, the international market was hit hard. Comrade Dai Zhi promptly proposed to change “joint venture and cooperation, export-oriented operation” to “joint venture and cooperation, both internal and external” to strengthen the development of the domestic market. Under the advocacy of Comrade Dai Zhi, the company established the superhard materials and application R&D center in 2009. In 2011, it passed the provincial engineering technology center certification, perfected the scientific research management system, and has experts in the industry's top experts. team. At the same time, on the basis of the R&D center, a platform for cooperation between industry, universities and research institutes has been established with research institutes. Cooperate with R&D enterprises with strong technical strength in the industry, introduce and absorb foreign advanced technologies, and form an all-round innovation platform. In the past four years, the Center has improved various incentives and incentives, increased R&D investment, invested a total of nearly 22 million R&D expenses, completed nearly 54 research and development projects, and undertaken 5 projects for the completion of the General Administration. It has obtained 21 utility model patents and one invention patent. Three utility models and one invention patent have been accepted, and more than 20 technical papers have been published. The output of new products exceeds 80 million yuan.

Fourth, the development of the heart of the industry, play a leading role in the key nodes of industry development.

Chairman Dai Zhi is the network leader of the Industrial Diamond Information Network. During his nearly 18 years as the network leader, he has always been able to lead the industrial diamond information network in the critical period of industry development, seize the nodes and discuss the industry development with the industry. Countermeasures to contribute to the development of the industry. In the past 18 years, the Industrial Diamond Information Network has organized and held 16 sessions of industrial diamond industry development seminars or industrial diamonds and products seminars. In 1998, a seminar was held to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the development of China's industrial diamonds. In June 2000, the seminar on “large cavity diamond synthesis equipment technology and related materials” was held in Yanjiao, Hebei Province, and “Industrial Industry” held in Guilin, Guangxi in November. The Diamond Symposium has great historical significance across the era. These two meetings not only systematically summed up the rise, development, progress, and difficulties and problems faced by China's industrial diamonds, but also made a perfect conclusion for the 20th century. At the same time, it was also the industrial diamond industry in China. The development of the century has clarified the way of thinking, pointed out the direction, and blew the horn of our 21st century for the whole industry; the National Diamond Tools Symposium held in 2001 and the National Metal Bonding Agent held in 2004 in Shuitou, Nan'an, Fujian. The Diamond Tools Symposium is a summary and review of the development of the industrial diamond products industry for nearly 40 years. Chairman Dai Zhi pointed out some problems commonly found in the industrial diamond products industry, such as: low level of duplication of the tool industry, market There are misunderstandings in the control of disorderly competition, technology and product quality. The technical innovation of the industrial diamond products industry has been extensively discussed and promoted. These two meetings unanimously recognized everyone, broadened their thinking, expanded their horizons, and helped the tool industry to make rapid progress in recent years.

In July 2002, the “National Symposium on Diamond Tools and Synthetic Raw and Auxiliary Materials” was held in Changsha, Hunan Province. In November of the same year, the “National Industrial Diamond and Product Development and Technology Seminar” was held in Maanshan, Anhui. These two meetings guided the industry to fully understand the new situation after China's accession to the WTO, and in line with the purpose of "strengthening scientific research and development, opening up domestic and international application markets, enhancing technical exchanges, and promoting industry development", China's industrial diamond industry was proposed. The new topic and historical mission of the century is to seize the historical opportunity and give full play to the important role of science and technology as the primary productive force, so that China's industrial diamond industry can seize the commanding heights in the fierce international competition and become the world's industrial diamond production power.

In 2003, the development of industrial diamond industry experienced a total of 40 Spring and autumn, 40 years of tortuous development, making China a world industrial diamond production country, and has a great impact on the overall pattern of the world industrial diamond market, held in Mianyang, Sichuan in August. “National Industrial Diamond Industry Seminar”. In view of the current situation of China's superhard materials, overcapacity, and low level of repeated investment momentum, Chairman Dai proposed the development goals and development ideas of “achieving China's superhard materials from large to strong”. The 2006 Industrial Diamond Development Forum presents a number of new technological innovations for the industry in response to the continuous decline in diamond prices and the rising prices of metal powders, which has led to the search for SMEs that have been shut down or converted due to technological advances in the industry. Some new economic growth points have arrived.

On the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the birth of the industry, the industry entered a period of rapid development. At this time, Chairman Dai calmly analyzed the form of industry development. At the industry seminar held in 2008, he proposed that “the fundamental development model of superhard materials should be fundamentally changed. And the way of competition, that is, from the past mainly relying on scale-up development and price competition to transform into the development and competition mainly relying on technological advantages, enterprise characteristics, product characteristics and characteristics.” The industry has pointed out the road from large to strong.

A hard work and a harvest. After nearly 20 years of hard work, Chairman Dai Zhi led Jingri Company to find a unique development path, ushered in the glory that the company has never had before, and realized the company's leap-forward development. At the same time, the heart industry Development, with an open mind, promote the industry from large to strong. (Author: Deng Hua, this digest "China superhard materials industry fifty years")

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