Shandong Province, the electricity gap will reach 1 million kilowatts this winter

It was learned from the Electric Power Department of the Economic and Information Commission of Shandong Province that due to the serious losses of power generation companies and the difficulties in capital turnover, there will be a gap of about 1 million kilowatts in the electricity supply in the province this winter, and electricity will be under great pressure in peak winter conditions. The province will do a good job in the orderly use of electricity and power demand side management, control and reduce the power demand of high-energy-consuming enterprises, and ensure the electricity supply of urban residents and key users in times of power shortage.

It is understood that the current coal supply in the province is relatively tight and prices are still high. From the perspective of demand, although the development of high-energy-consuming industries has slowed down, the overall demand for electricity remains relatively stable. From the perspective of supply, after the integration of coal resources in major coal-producing provinces, market regulation capacity has increased and output has stabilized. The price of the international coal market is still at a high level, and it is expected that the coal market in winter will still face tight supply and rising prices.

The loss of power generation companies continues to increase, and the capital chain is strained. Although the country raised the on-grid tariff of power generation companies this year, it still cannot offset the rising cost of coal prices. According to statistics, from January to August, Shandong Huaneng, Huadian, Guodian and Datang had the standard coal price of 987 yuan/ton, up by 80 yuan/ton from the same period of last year; the electricity cost per kilowatt hour reached 0.448 yuan, excluding the average increase in on-grid tariff. After 2.45 cents/kWh, it still lost 2.8 cents/kWh. From January to August, the losses of the four major power companies in the central power company in Shandong were 90.9%; the accumulated losses were 3.33 billion yuan, which represented a loss of 1.278 billion yuan over the same period of last year.

Before the winter peak season, the installed capacity of the province is estimated to reach 67.63 million kilowatts, of which the overall regulatory capacity is 51.193 million kilowatts, excluding the winter heating and equipment defect reduction, temporary repairs and planned maintenance, etc. The non-adjustable force of 6.5 million kilowatts and accident standby 2 million kilowatts, the province's adjustable unit generating capacity of 42.639 million kilowatts; foreign calls 7.5 million kilowatts, a total of 50.19 million kilowatts of adjustable output, according to the largest winter call the total load of 51 million kilowatts balance calculation, the power supply gap is about 1 million kilowatts.

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