Tomato grafting to control bacterial wilt technology

1. Selection of rootstock and scion varieties

The selection of rootstocks and scions must take into account the disease resistance of the rootstock, the superiority of the scion, and the synchronization between the two and the growth rate.

1.1 rootstock: 1 rootstock: optional citrus and wild Solanaceae plants. However, according to our experimental observation, the resistant varieties cultivated by hybridization are more resistant to the level of tomato bacterial wilt, and the growth potential is also due to the general rootstock material. At present, the “rootstock No.1” and “rootstock No.2” promoted by the research group can be used as the first choice for grafting rootstocks.

1.2 Scion: The scion should be selected according to the cultivation conditions and market demand, and the main varieties that are more adaptable to production. In recent years, the varieties of “stone tomato”, “Bali tomato” and “Israel 189 tomato” introduced from abroad have been introduced. Gradually replace the varieties of "ruby" used for many years, using graft cultivation, so that the advantages of these varieties have been fully exerted.

2, sowing seedlings

2.1 Seed treatment: Seeds with high seed germination and high germination rate are selected. After soaking and swelling (4-5 hours in winter and spring, 2-3 hours in summer and autumn), soaking with 75% chlorothalonil 800 times solution Disinfect for 15 minutes, wash and germination at 25-30 °C.

2.2 Seeding and seedling methods:

Grafting tomato seedlings should be 7-10 days earlier than normal seedlings in order to facilitate timely planting.

1 rootstock nursery: using nutrient cup seedlings or seedbed fake planting. That is, after the seedlings are seeded, when the seedlings grow to 1-2 true leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into a 8X8cm or 10X10cm nutrient cup in sunny weather, or transplanted to the nursery bed at 15X10cm cm. It is necessary to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, and cultivate medium-sized and disease-free seedlings with medium stems and thick stems.

2 Scion seedlings: According to different climatic conditions, it should be planted 5-7 days later than the rootstock, or when the rootstocks are in a true leaf, the scion should be properly sown, no seedlings will be planted, and the method should be used in winter. Plant at the same time. If the same method (nutrition cup or fake planting, etc.) is used for seedling, the rootstock and scion can be sown at the same time.

3. Grafting

Tomato grafting methods mainly include splicing, docking and docking. In production applications, although the abutment is easy to survive, the operation is more complicated, and the rootstock and scion are easily confused when the anvil is used. Because the scion is small, it is easy to lose water, and it grows slowly after living.劈 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接 接.

Grafting should be carried out on a sunny day with a temperature of 20-28 °C or a cloudy, windless weather. Dry heat, rainy days and windy days should not be grafted. On sunny days, work should be done in the dark.

3.1 Grafting tools: blades, grafting clips, scion trays, yarn (cotton) cloth, bow strips, agricultural plastic film, shading nets, etc.

3.2 splicing method: 1 grafting when 5-6 pieces of true leaves of the rootstock. The rootstock seedlings should be sprayed with high-efficiency pesticides 2-3 days in advance, and the water should be rinsed in half a day in advance to remove the diseased seedlings, weak seedlings and weeds. 2 At the time of grafting, cut the rootstock at the 2-3 leaves of the preserved base, and cut the 2-2.5 cm incision vertically in the center of the transverse stem. Then, the scion will retain the top 2-3 true leaves, in the opposite direction. Obliquely cut a knife, carefully insert the rootstock incision, align and fix with a grafting clip.

3.3 Multi-bud grafting method: After the grafting of the main buds of the scion is completed by the above method, the stalks of the stalks with a true leaf and a length of about 5 cm are cut down for the grafting of the stalks. Rod. It can also be used to grow the buds to 2 to 3 true leaves and then cut and graft. This method must be planted in two batches, usually 12-15 days apart. It can also be topped when the scion grows to 3-4 true leaves, and all are grafted with axillary buds.

4. Management of grafted seedlings:

The survival rate of grafted seedlings is high and low. In addition to the quality of seedlings and the quality of grafting operations, it is more important to manage them afterwards. It is necessary to follow the cover and the shading net on the small arch shed to maintain a certain humidity and temperature. When the temperature in the shed exceeds 30 ° C and the relative humidity is greater than 95% (the small arch membrane has water droplets), it should be properly ventilated, each ventilation time. It should not be too long. As the number of days increases, the ventilation time will increase accordingly. After 3-5 days, the scattered light can be transmitted.

5-7 days after the connection, depending on the weather and the healing of the interface, the grafting clip can be removed, and the shading rate can be reduced. The gradual transition to the complete removal of the shed film and the shading net will be carried out. After about 10 days, the normal seedling management will be carried out, and the rootstock axillary buds will be removed and removed. No live seedlings and susceptible seedlings.

5. Grafting seedling planting and field management

When grafting seedlings are planted, the healthy and healthy seedlings with good interface and normal growth should be selected. The interface should be more than 10cm away from the ground when planting. If the soil is cultivated in the later stage, the interface should be prevented from being buried, and the scion should be re-rooted into the soil to reduce the disease prevention effect. Grafting tomatoes mainly prevent soil-borne diseases such as bacterial wilt and blight. For diseases such as late blight, gray mold, cotton blight, and viral diseases that rely mainly on air and insects, they should still be controlled in time according to conventional cultivation measures. In particular, leaf diseases should be timely controlled to facilitate maintaining a high leaf area index, improve photosynthetic production efficiency, meet the nutrient requirements of above-ground and underground parts of plants, and improve plant comprehensive stress resistance and yield.

It is necessary to pay attention to strengthening the management of fertilizer and water: when the results are too much and the light is insufficient, it is easy to cause premature aging and decreased resistance. It is also necessary to carry out thinning and thinning in time to maintain an appropriate ratio of root to crown. Grafting cultivation should still pay attention to the application of comprehensive control measures such as changing crops and cleaning up the pastoral to reduce the wintering base of pests and diseases, and pay special attention to the prevention and treatment of devastating diseases such as ulcer diseases.

Item 151 Introduction

Tomato is one of the main vegetables for domestic sales and export earning. The domestic planting area is second only to Chinese cabbage, radish and cucumber. It ranks fourth, and the tomato bacterial wilt is rapidly spreading due to the expansion of planting area and continuous cropping, which has become a devastating disease of tomato. Prevention is very difficult. In July 1997, the Guilin Municipal Science and Technology Commission issued the project, aiming to use the resistant materials as rootstocks to graft and cultivate the best-selling varieties on the market to achieve disease resistance, high efficiency and pollution-free. After years of hard work, the complete technical achievements have been achieved by 2004:

1. Successfully selected the rootstock varieties such as “Anvil No.1”, which broke through the long-term domestic research methods for screening tomato rootstock materials by using the difference in resistance between Solanaceae plants, through Guangxi and Hunan, Guizhou, Fujian and Yunnan. The province has counted more than 60,000 mu of applications, and the incidence of bacterial wilt has been reduced from 30% to 100% to 0-3%, making it the first large-scale large-scale rootstock application in China.

2. In the country, it firstly invented and promoted the “splicing + multi-bud grafting” double-grafting seedling method, and the utilization rate of seedlings of scion seed was increased by 2-4 times, which promoted the selection and promotion of excellent tomato varieties at home and abroad, directly for vegetable farmers. Reduce seed expenditure by more than 350 yuan per mu.

3. The research summarizes a complete set of grafting seedlings and field management techniques suitable for the reverse season cultivation of southern tomato in China. It breaks through the subtropical high temperature and high humidity and summer and autumn high humidity and dry conditions in the subtropical region. Large and difficult to achieve seedling rate, after training and guidance, farmers can graft 600-800 per person per day. The survival rate is over 90%.

4. Adopting a variety of promotion methods of paid and unpaid technical services, the first method to make tomato grafting cultivation technology across the province is applied in large areas. In 2004, 60,522 mu of statistical applications were applied, and the added benefit of farmers was 31,196,700 yuan. In 2004, 20580 acres of imported fine varieties were grafted and cultivated with “rootstock No.1”, accounting for 34% of the total area of ​​the promotion. The added benefit of the year was 168.85 million yuan, with an average of 8204.6 yuan per mu.

Under conventional cultivation, chemical pesticides have little effect on the control of bacterial wilt. The effect of rotation with non-solanaceae crops for more than three years is not satisfactory, and it restricts the development of tomato as a advantageous industry in many regions. Applying the results of this technology, less than 2-3 kg of pesticide per acre per year, more than 80 yuan per mu, and the rotation period is relaxed, providing effective technical support for large-scale tomato, base and pollution-free production.

The achievement has reached the domestic advanced level and is mainly suitable for application in the south of the Yangtze River.
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