Wooden curtain box construction and acceptance

1. Construction Contents of Wooden Curtain Boxes <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> Wooden Curtain Boxes Wooden Curtain Boxes are important parts of home decoration and are important facilities for hiding hidden curtains. In the design of ceilings and window coverings, matching curtain box designs should be carried out in order to enhance the overall decorative effect.

According to the different treatment methods at the top, there are two forms of drapes. One is that the room has a ceiling, curtain boxes should be hidden in the ceiling, the top of the ceiling when completed together, the other is the room is not suspended ceiling, curtain box fixed on the wall, with the window frame into a whole. Curtain box structure is relatively simple, construction is relatively easy.

2. Specification for construction of wooden curtain box The specification of the curtain box is about 100 mm high, the width is determined according to the number of curtain rods used, the width of the single bar is 120 mm, the width of the double bar is more than 150 mm, and the length should be shorter than the design requirement. The width of the window is 300mm. Each side of the window exceeds 150mm and the length of the window can be longest.

The curtain box is made by using a big core board, and the swallowtail mush adhesive joint is opened. If the finish is a clear oil brush, the decorative panel with the same material as the window frame cover should be pasted, and the adhesive surface is the outer side surface and the bottom surface of the curtain box.

Through-type curtain boxes can be directly fixed on both sides of the wall and the top surface, non-through curtains should use metal stents, generally use iron stents, iron stents have been embedded in the construction of the structure, can also be fixed directly on the wall and the top Face. When fixed, punch holes at fixed points, place plastic expansion pins, and fix them with screws. In order to ensure that the curtain box is flat and installed, both sides of the window opening are of equal length.

After the curtain box is installed, the finish of the finish will also be applied. The installed curtain box should be protected from contamination and damage.

3. Acceptance of Wooden Curtain Boxes Installation of wooden curtain boxes shall be based on the design dimensions. If the room is suspended from a ceiling, the curtain box shall not protrude from the top. If the curtain box is installed separately, it shall be installed straight. Curtain box surface treatment with the wall paste or joinery quality standards, curtain rod installation meets design requirements, installation should be straight, solid.

4. Common quality problems and treatment methods for wooden curtain box construction There are several common quality problems for wooden curtain box construction:

(1) Loosening of the curtain box: The main reason is that the rods are loose or are not firmly connected with the base body during the production. If the connecting of the rod eyes is not tight, the curtain box should be removed, and the rod eyes should be repaired and reinstalled. If it is not firmly connected with the base body, the screw should be further tightened, or increase the fixing point.
(2) The curtain box is not correct: The main reason is that there is no spring line to install, so that the difference between the height difference and the lateral position of the two ends exceeds the allowable deviation. The curtain box should be removed and reassembled as required.
The surface decoration of the wooden curtain box can be brushed, pasted, etc., and the quality defects of the surface decoration will be expressed in the construction of the wall surface.
5. Estimated construction period of wooden curtain box The wooden curtain box production period is not calculated separately if there is a suspended ceiling room. If it is manufactured separately, each worker can make two curtain boxes of about 5 meters per day (only the structure and the panel, The surface decoration process is performed simultaneously with the wall and the top).

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