How to clean the linen sofa, Hengzhao tells you.

The sofa can now be said to be the indispensable furniture in our home life. Every time I work in Xiaobian, I like to take a rest on the sofa in the state of Ge You Li, so that a good sofa can not only ease our body and mind. We can also decorate our beautiful home, but while enjoying the comfort that we bring to us, there are some minor problems that come along. For example, in life we ​​often get the stains on the sofa inadvertently, or because The long-term use is naturally dirty. How to clean the sofa will make us have some headaches. Generally speaking, most of the leather sofas can be cleaned with water, which is convenient and simple. So today, Hengzhao Xiaobian will discuss the linen. How to clean the sofa.

How to clean linen sofa fabric

1. Directly remove and wash. Most of the fabric sofas nowadays can be used to remove the cloth cover on the sofa. Therefore, when the fabric sofa is dirty, we can directly remove it and wash it off before putting it back, but this requires everyone to buy a sofa. It is necessary to pay attention to whether the cloth cover of the sofa is convenient to disassemble. In addition, the different cleaning methods of the cloth are different. The elastic sleeve is relatively simple, and it is easy to clean directly with the washing machine at home. If the linen is recommended, the laundry is cleaned.

2. Scrub with water. Different sofas are dirty and have different degrees of soiling. In ordinary small places, it is not necessary to remove the sleeves. It is only necessary to scrub with water.

3, cleaning agent scrub. If the sofa is dirty, if it can't be cleaned with clean water, it needs to be scrubbed with a special detergent. It is best to use a sponge. The sponge has good water absorption, and the friction can also generate static electricity. It is very convenient to clean the stain of the sofa. . However, it is necessary to pay attention to the different stains to use different cleaning agents for scrubbing, so that targeted cleaning can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

4, professional cleaning. When there is a large area of ​​stains on the sofa, it is recommended to have a professional sofa cleaning staff to clean it. If you touch a large area of ​​smudges, no matter whether it is a water scrub or a cleaning agent, we are not a professional. Suitable cleaning agents and cleaning appliances can cause damage to the sofa to a certain extent, so large areas of smudges are recommended to be contacted by a professional for cleaning. After the furniture has been used for a long time, most of them will become very old. The furniture with better quality may be better, but if it is really time to change, in order to ensure the quality of life, everyone still needs to Replace it in time.

Everyone can choose different cleaning methods when they encounter different situations. Of course, if we can better protect the sofa, we can pull the cleaning time very long. For example, if you don’t eat on the sofa, you may get contaminated on the sofa. food, regularly dust, etc., these are some good ways to protect the sofa, good linen sofa on how to clean it and we talked about here today, want to learn more, stay tuned Henderson

Article source Hengzhao

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