Qingdao's new home starts in October with a "one-on-one inspection" failure to complete construction

New house for homes starts this month with a "one-on-one experience"

The new rules implemented in our city can prevent the “failure” after the delivery of the house. The acceptance record will be provided to the owner when the house is delivered.

The reporter learned from the Shanghai Construction and Construction Administration yesterday that in order to reduce the quality of residential projects, the city will implement a household acceptance inspection for residential projects starting from this month, so that “one household will have one inspection” will be used as an attachment to the housing quality guarantee. It was handed over to the owners, so that the people who bought the house had a "very good idea" of the quality of the house.

Each house should be built separately

According to the relevant person in charge of the Urban Construction and Construction Administration, the quality of residential buildings was previously tested for quality, and overall acceptance and sampling methods were used. This kind of acceptance method checks the quality and sensory effect of the project as a whole. In addition to checking the overall quality of the project and the entire project, it also checks the model room during the completion period. This may result in the quality of the model being significantly higher than the property purchased by the owner. With quality issues, buyers often feel unsteady in the process of looking at the home.

From October 1st this year, the "Qingdao City Housing Project Quality Acceptance Management Regulations (Trial)" formulated by the Municipal Construction Commission began to implement, which requires the construction unit to carry out household acceptance inspections for new residential constructions. The so-called "one household inspection" , refers to the number of households on the number of households to check the number of households, not only to check more carefully and seriously, but also for each suite to create a file, whether the sewer sewer, the floor with or without cracks ... Only the building of each new home has reached the quality Acceptance criteria can be delivered to residents for renovation or check-in.

Provide acceptance records when submitting

It is reported that the items accepted by the household include appearance and size deviation of building structure, installation quality of doors and windows, quality of floor, wall and ceiling surface, waterproof project quality, installation quality of water supply and drainage system, installation quality of indoor electrical engineering, and installation quality of heating system. And so on nine aspects. If a household project fails to pass the acceptance check, the construction unit may not organize the acceptance of the project.

The promulgation of this measure is tantamount to giving everyone who purchases a house the quality control, avoiding the omissions caused by the overall acceptance and sampling inspection, and effectively avoiding the phenomenon of “failed” after the house is delivered and used.

According to the regulations, the acceptance work of the households shall be carried out by the construction unit; the project heads of the construction units, professional and technical personnel, project managers of the construction units, persons in charge of project quality, and chief supervision engineers and supervision engineers of the supervision units shall participate. If a real estate company has been selected, the real estate company shall participate in the inspection and acceptance work of the residential households.

The "Resident Housing Quality Inspection Record" shall be attached to the "Residential Project Quality Assurance Certificate" and handed over to the owner when the house is delivered.

Release date: 2006/10/9 9:27:34


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