Pump shaft bounce standards and alignment

1, pump shaft beating standard 1) journal taper and ovality is not greater than 1/2000 the shaft diameter. But the maximum shall not exceed 0.05mm, and the surface without scars. 2) Bending of the shaft exceeds the allowable value It can be calibrated by mechanical method or heating method. Shaft allowable beating values ​​are shown in the following table (unit: mm): Shaft diameter at the center of the shaft (1500 rpm) Shaft center (3000 rpm) Multistage pump shaft ≤0.02 ≤0.10 ≤0.08 ≤0.05 2, Straightening method 1) cold straight method (1) The use of hand-cranked screw press smaller diameter and bending larger, this method can be used. First place the shaft in a triangular notch block, or use a thimble on the machine tool to hold both ends of the shaft, then lift the axis of the curved convex apex upward. Use a screw press to hold the top of the protrusion and press it down until the shaft is aligned. (2) Twist rod tapping straightening diameter larger and smaller bending, you can use this method. This method uses a twist bar to chill the curved concave surface of the shaft so that the surface of the shaft extends straight therethrough. Twist rods should be made of a material with a hardness less than the hardness of the shaft or a copper sleeve on a material of high hardness. The edges of the twist rods must have a corner. With a straight shaft, the concave surface of the shaft faces up and supports the largest curved convex vertex. Press down at both ends with a tensioning device and tap the twist bar with a 1-2 kilogram hammer to stretch the concave material of the shaft by tapping. Twisting, the first from the lowest concave central beat, gradually move to both sides, and along the circumference of the arc on the third, but closer to the central beat density should be greater. The amount of shaft alignment is usually proportional to the number of beats. Note the initial beat, the shaft straightening faster after the slow. Be careful to grasp twist twist rod, do not damage the shaft surface. (3) When the amount of bending with a screw jack is smaller than that of a straight shaft (less than 1% of the shaft length), the screw jack can be straightened in a cold state. In straightening, taking into account the rebound of the shaft, to be overcorrected, in order to ensure that the orthopedic axis more straight. The accuracy of this method can reach 0.05-0.15 mm per meter. (4) straightening with wire rope 2) Local heating method The curved convex surface upward, wrapped around with asbestos cloth, and then use torch or gas welding heat. The heating temperature is about 100 ℃ lower than the critical temperature of the material. After the rapid heating, due to the plastic deformation of the metal to shorten the surface length, although the cooling after stretching, but can not restore the original state, resulting in reverse the original bending direction of the anti-bending, the convex flat and straight Axis purpose. As in the concave heat to help heat expansion, the better. Heating method, should be uniform, equidistant (about 20 mm from the axial plane), out from the center out, and then screwed into the center to keep the temperature uniform. Heating area and shape with the axial opening (axial long and radial short) method of heating, so that the radial azimuth temperature uniformity, the shaft is not easy to produce distortion. (2) Twist rod tapping straightening diameter larger and smaller bending, you can use this method. This method uses a twist bar to chill the curved concave surface of the shaft so that the surface of the shaft extends straight therethrough. Twist rods should be made of a material with a hardness less than the hardness of the shaft or a copper sleeve on a material of high hardness. The edges of the twist rods must have a corner. With a straight shaft, the concave surface of the shaft faces up and supports the largest curved convex vertex. Press down at both ends with a tensioning device and tap the twist bar with a 1-2 kilogram hammer to stretch the concave material of the shaft by tapping. Twisting, the first from the lowest concave central beat, gradually move to both sides, and along the circumference of the arc on the third, but more to the central beat density should be greater. The amount of shaft alignment is usually proportional to the number of beats. Note the initial beat, the shaft straightening faster after the slow. Be careful to grasp twist twist rod, do not damage the shaft surface. (3) When the amount of bending with a screw jack is smaller than that of a straight shaft (less than 1% of the shaft length), the screw jack can be straightened in a cold state. In straightening, taking into account the rebound of the shaft, to be overcorrected, in order to ensure that the orthopedic axis more straight. The accuracy of this method can reach 0.05-0.15 mm per meter. (4) straightening with wire rope 2) Local heating method The curved convex surface upward, wrapped around with asbestos cloth, and then use torch or gas welding heat. The heating temperature is about 100 ℃ lower than the critical temperature of the material. After the rapid heating, due to the plastic deformation of the metal to shorten the surface length, although the cooling after stretching, but can not restore the original state, resulting in reverse the original bending direction of the anti-bending, the convex flat and straight Axis purpose. As in the concave heat to help heat expansion, the better. Heating method, should be uniform, equidistant (about 20 mm from the axial plane), out from the center out, and then screwed into the center to keep the temperature uniform. Heating area and shape with the axial opening (axial long and radial short) method of heating, so that the radial azimuth temperature uniformity, the shaft is not easy to produce distortion. However, when the radial opening (radial long and short axial) heating method, the direct axis effect is significant. Straightening, the first flat on the two bearings on the shaft, so that curved part of the convex upward, and the maximum bending of the shaft with wet asbestos cloth. This asbestos cloth axial openings 0.15d × 0.2d or radial openings 0.35d × 0.2d (d is the diameter of the shaft) of the rectangular port, and then heated at the opening with oxyacetylene flame 3-5 minutes (using a powerful torch, And oxygen pressure increased to 4-5 atmospheres), the temperature reaches 500-600 ℃, with a dry asbestos cloth covered heat, heat 10-15 minutes, and finally with compressed air blowing, so that the rapid cooling. Shaft bending changes can be measured by the dial indicator. Once failed to align can be repeated, after straightening, the shaft should be low temperature annealing at the heating, the shaft is rotated and slowly heated to 300-350 ℃, at this temperature for more than an hour, and then heated with a cloth dressing Department, it is slowly cooled to 50-70 ℃, so that you can eliminate the internal stress. The amount of change in shaft alignment during the alignment is related to the material properties of the shaft itself. When heated, the bending deflection at the end of the shaft gradually increases to the maximum due to the expansion of the metal after heating of the protrusions. After cooling, the bending deflection at the shaft end is gradually reduced to the minimum, which is due to the shortening of the metal fiber due to the rapid cooling of the convex portion. However, when the radial opening (radial long and short axial) heating method, the direct axis effect is significant. Straightening, the first flat on the two bearings on the shaft, so that curved part of the convex upward, and the maximum bending of the shaft with wet asbestos cloth. This asbestos cloth axial openings 0.15d × 0.2d or radial openings 0.35d × 0.2d (d is the diameter of the shaft) of the rectangular port, and then heated at the opening with oxyacetylene flame 3-5 minutes (using a powerful torch, And oxygen pressure increased to 4-5 atmospheres), the temperature reaches 500-600 ℃, with a dry asbestos cloth covered heat, heat 10-15 minutes, and finally with compressed air blowing, so that the rapid cooling. Shaft bending changes can be measured by the dial indicator. Once failed to align can be repeated, after straightening, the shaft should be low temperature annealing at the heating, the shaft is rotated and slowly heated to 300-350 ℃, at this temperature for more than an hour, and then heated with a cloth dressing Department, it is slowly cooled to 50-70 ℃, so that you can eliminate the internal stress. The amount of change in shaft alignment during the alignment is related to the material properties of the shaft itself. When heated, the bending deflection at the end of the shaft gradually increases to the maximum due to the expansion of the metal after heating of the protrusions. After cooling, the bending deflection at the shaft end is gradually reduced to the minimum, which is due to the shortening of the metal fiber due to the rapid cooling of the convex portion.

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