Regular decoration quote contains what content to avoid the quote slip

If you plan to entrust your new house decoration to a decoration company, it will definitely involve a decoration quotation. Get a decoration company's decoration quotes, we will inevitably have such doubts, such as: how do you know if this quotation is formal? Is it missing or something? Is there any cost trickery? The main reason for these concerns is because you don't know what the formal decoration quote contains.

What are the contents of regular renovation quotes?

1, serial number / project name: From this part can more or less see the number of projects in the home need to work, then you can combine the drawings, you can see where there are missing and missing items.

2. Unit: In this way, you will be able to clearly know the pricing method used by the decoration company; through these you can tell in detail whether it is a formal decoration quotation.

3. Quantity: The overall calculation of the project volume can clearly calculate the number and area of ​​the decoration materials. If in doubt, it is recommended that the owner conduct field surveys.

4, the unit price of labor: a formal decoration quotation, must have this project, involving future settlement.

5. Price of accessories: The accessories are the key content of the semi-packaging repair company's profit, and it is also necessary to negotiate with the decoration company.

6, the main material unit price: the main material is a large amount of the purchase of a project during the renovation process, the majority of friends must be carefully verified.

7, brand specifications and processes: mainly related to the main material and accessories brand, model and part of the construction process.

8. Remarks: Clear indication of other agreements. For example, in the case of half-package, which needs the owners to provide, which need to be purchased by the decoration company, can be marked out here.

How to avoid quotation traps

1. Look at the construction project against the design drawings

According to the design drawings, it can be clearly seen whether the items on the quotation sheet have any increase or omission.

2. View quote unit of measure

Square meters and meters are two completely different concepts, square meters are often multiplied by the unit price, and furniture calculated in meters has a high limit.

3. Find out the material model specifications

Due to the different specifications of the decoration materials and the place of production, the price will vary greatly. For example: The price of imported water pipes is 3 to 5 times that of general water pipes. If you do not specify this item, the construction team will do a lot of tricks when purchasing materials. In the future, you may have to suffer from a loss.

4. See if the process standard specifies

In terms of material selection and construction process, the more detailed the better the standard. As we all know, the most important thing in the quotation is not the price but the material used and the construction process.

5. Detailed confirmation of materials and brands

In the quotation, each item is as clear as possible. Especially during the renovation, pay attention to verify whether the materials are purchased according to the owner's requirements.

6. Careful comparison of labor costs

In many cases, the decoration company will deliberately reduce the cost of a certain material to increase labor costs. Before the renovation, you need to know the price of different types of work and construction types in advance.

7. Understand the hydropower reform construction process

One thing that is very important is the hydropower reform. Keep in mind that the construction procedures are ambiguous, and it is necessary to see if there are any additions or duplicates to the project.

Editing summary: Decoration can be said to be a relatively large amount of economic expenditure, so a formal decoration quote is very important. Before the renovation, the owners must pay attention to homework. And want to get a formal decoration quote, choose a formal home improvement company is essential.

Regular decoration quote

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