Research on Motor Virtual Design System Based on SolidWorks Platform

Xiangtan Electric Group Co., Ltd. has always enjoyed the reputation of “cradle of electrician products”. Mainly for energy, transportation, mining, national defense and other services, has developed more than 1,000 new products, more than 100 major new products to fill the domestic gap, creating China's first mechanical and electrical products. It mainly produces large and medium-sized DC motors.

Under the guidance of the spirit of “甩图”, in the early 1990s, the open CAD/CAPP system and AutoCAD software were selected as the basic platform for informatization construction, and a large number of customized development work was carried out to form a systematic system. Design and manufacturing system based on 2D CAD platform.

Two-dimensional design means that designers spend a lot of time (60%) on simple repetitive work (calculating changes in size) and no more time to consider design innovations and improvements. There is no correlation between the dimensions of the components in the two-dimensional design. In the process of frequent drawing modification, the problems of inconsistency and interference between the front and the back are bound to occur. The size of the hood is modified as follows, and the associated dimensions of the cooler and the base are not changed. , causing problems that cannot be assembled.

In order to upgrade the design level of the enterprise from “empirical design” to “scientific design”, the strategic direction of adopting virtual design technology has been established. In 2001, the mainstream 3D CAD software SolidWorks was purchased, which realized error-free design and selected SolidWorks as the preferred software for enterprise 3D CAD applications. In 2003, COSMOS series software was purchased for electromagnetic analysis, flow field analysis and structural strength analysis. A virtual design simulation platform for the motor was built.

The construction of enterprise virtual design platform needs a forward-looking vision, and the application of universal application is more difficult. It requires a practical implementation strategy, and the virtual design technology is applied to enterprise product development to adapt to the trend of economic globalization and entry. The severe challenges facing the WTO.

I. Structure of the motor design platform The goal of the virtual design platform is to solve the problem on the computer through computer simulation before the product design or product processing. To achieve this goal, we must build an innovative design platform from a high starting point. . According to the design characteristics of the motor products, Xiangtan Electric Group Co., Ltd. has built the following design platform.

1. SolidWorks-based 3D design platform Large-scale motor products are typical customized production products. The design workload is very large. There are many errors in the 2D design software, especially in the process of modifying the old drawings. Can greatly reduce design errors and improve design efficiency.

3D CAD software is the basis of manufacturing information construction. Only 3D CAD software can be used to directly import CAE software for electromagnetic field analysis, structural analysis, heat and fluid analysis. Only CAM software can be imported to generate CNC code for CNC machine tools. In order to provide the quality data of the parts for the casting process design. The body of the large motor is mainly welded parts, and the welding part design module of SolidWorks can effectively improve the design efficiency of the welded parts.

After a deep understanding of the motor design, SolidWorks' parametric design features and design library functions make it easy to build an easy-to-use fool-type motor retrofit design system. As long as the designer inputs the relevant parameters, the automatic design of the key components of the motor can be completed, which greatly improves the design efficiency.

2. Based on the structural strength and dynamic characteristics of COSMOSWorks, the main problems encountered in motor design are vibration, noise and temperature rise. Their quality directly determines the performance of the motor. The motors produced by domestic manufacturers are often “stupid, big, stupid, and thick” because domestic companies do not use CAE software to help analyze the modal and vibration modes of the motor. To avoid vibration and noise, only use means to increase the weight. The motor is a typical rotary power machine. It always works under the harmonic load of high-speed rotation. It must analyze the natural frequency, mode and vibration mode of the motor, and analyze the stress and strain of the motor under the harmonic load. The structure is optimized and the quality is minimized on the basis of satisfying the stress, strain and modal frequency by changing the design parameters.

COSMOSWorks provides a complete solution for the analysis of the strength of the motor structure. The structure of the motor must have sufficient strength, which often leads to large structural size, large volume, large mass, cumbersome structure and high cost. The structural analysis of COSMOSWorks can determine the reasonable structural size, so as to ensure the stability and safety of the structure while ensuring the stability and safety of the structure. Can reduce the size and weight of the structure, thereby reducing costs. Through the structural static analysis, the stress distribution and deformation of the structure under various loads can be obtained, which provides a basis for the rigid strength design of the structure. There is a rotating rotor inside the motor. The rotor will change continuously with the load during start-up, stop, and work. In this motion, structural dynamics analysis is required. Firstly, determine the natural vibration characteristics of the structure, including the rotor, stator and motor housing and the overall natural frequency, vibration mode, etc., to avoid structural resonance, to ensure smooth operation of the rotor, no vibration. In addition, the response of the structure under sinusoidal, transient changes with time, and the response of the structure under a certain load spectrum are also considered. The base, shaft and support must be accurately considered, and the dynamic characteristics of the rotating disk shaft are analyzed to ensure stable operation of the rotor system. Motors or electromagnetic switches often generate large torque or other forces during sudden start-up, shock or power disturbances. In severe cases, some components may be damaged. This can be calculated by CAE structural analysis.

If it is determined by test means whether the strength of the structure is reasonable, a large number of tests are required to reduce the weight of the component while ensuring the structure is acceptable. Using finite element analysis software, it is possible to perform component strength, vibration mode, buckling, dynamic response, structural parameters and topology optimization. On the one hand, it can test the structural strength problems existing in the current design. On the other hand, it can be obtained through analysis. Where the current structure still has a large margin, which provides a basis for structural weight reduction and reduces product cost. 3. COSMOS EMS-based electromagnetic field analysis Traditional motor and motor design, customary analysis and calculation of the motor It comes down to the calculation of circuits and magnetic circuits. In fact, the parameters in the circuit and the magnetic circuit are derived from the field quantity of the electromagnetic field of the motor. Due to the continuous development of numerical calculation and simulation technology, the electromagnetic field of the motor can be directly analyzed and calculated using the finite element software.

With the help of COSMOS EMS software, parametric design can be realized according to working conditions, geometric dimensions, material properties, etc., automatic slot design and wire gauge selection; accurate prediction and analysis of dynamic performance of the motor under external main circuit, excitation and load, Analyze the motor starting, sudden increase of load, open circuit, short circuit and other conditions of the motor operating characteristics; electric field, steady magnetic field and alternating magnetic field, dynamic electromagnetic field, loss calculation and thermal analysis, analysis of eddy current, displacement current, skin effect and The proximity effect is obtained to obtain the overall characteristics of the eddy currents in the motor, the bus bar, the transformer, and the coil. Power loss, coil loss, impedance (R and L) at a certain frequency, force, torque, inductance, energy storage and other parameters are automatically calculated. At the same time, the magnetic field lines, B and H profiles, energy density, temperature distribution and other graphical results of the whole phase can also be given.

The analysis of the motor mainly involves its magnetic field distribution under static, transient or harmonic load or current-carrying conditions, magnetic flux leakage coefficient, electromagnetic force and torque, starting and stopping characteristics. By using CAE's electromagnetic analysis and field-circuit coupling analysis functions, these components can be comprehensively analyzed and optimized to optimize efficiency, power, and size and weight. At the same time, the design of these components involves thermal and structural problems. If the heat is too high, it directly affects its performance. How to carry out heat dissipation design requires CAE thermal and fluid cooling analysis.

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