How does cotton have a good effect on fertilization?

First, the choice of fertilizer: cotton in different growth stages, the purpose of fertilization outside the roots is different, the composition of the fertilizer is not the same, so first of all should choose the appropriate foliar fertilizer according to different growth stages of cotton and its deficiency. In order to promote the early development of cotton or prevent premature aging in the late stage, nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer may be sprayed. In order to promote the growth of vegetative organs, nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer may be sprayed, and trace element fertilizer is used according to the growth state of the crop.
After the different fertilizers are dissolved in water, the penetration force into the leaves is different, while the effect of fertilization outside the roots is different. Generally, urea has the best osmosis effect, and urea is a neutral fertilizer. It has little damage to stems and leaves. Mixing urea and other fertilizers can improve the ability of other fertilizers to penetrate the foliage and improve the spraying effect. However, it is forbidden to use this method in the long cotton fields.
Second, extend the leaf attachment time: the longer the leaf surface is wetted by the foliar fertilizer, the stronger the adhesion of the foliar fertilizer on the leaf surface, and the higher the leaf surface absorption rate. The wetting time is generally required to be in the range of half an hour to one hour. In order to achieve this requirement, a moistening agent (neutral detergent, concentration of 0.1% to 0.2%) is added to the foliar fertilizer when spraying the fertilizer to lower the water. Surface tension increases the adhesion of the solution to the foliage. Some leaves have a waxy layer on the surface, which is not conducive to the wet leaf surface and absorption of the solution, so spraying on the back of the leaf works well.
Third, the location and frequency of spraying: Some mineral elements with poor mobility should pay attention to spraying on the fertilizer parts, such as cotton supplement iron, should be sprayed on the young leaves, and increase the number of spraying . Elements that are highly mobile (such as potassium) can be sprayed to increase the absorption area. It should be noted that if it rains within 24 hours after spraying, it needs to be re-sprayed. Generally, the foliar fertilizer is sprayed 60-75 kg per acre, and even sprayed 2 to 3 times.
Fourth, the concentration of spray solution: foliar fertilizer concentration is too high or too low is unreasonable. The scientific and reasonable preparation concentration is: urea 1% to 2%, potassium hydrogen phosphate 0.2% to 4%, superphosphate 2% to 4%, diammonium phosphate 1% to 1.5%, zinc sulfate 0.1% to 0.2%, chlorine Potassium or potassium sulfate is 1% to 1.5%, and iron sulfate is 0.05% to 0.3%.
V. Spraying time: There is a cotton field with tendency to defer and premature aging. Spray 1% to 2% of urea aqueous solution. For cotton with strong growth, spray 2% to 3% aqueous solution of superphosphate or 800~1000. Times potassium dihydrogen phosphate. The time for fertilization outside the roots generally ends from the beginning of August to the beginning of September, and is sprayed 2 to 3 times according to the growth of the cotton plant. The spraying time is usually in the morning or evening, or it can be sprayed on a cloudy day without rain to prolong the effect.
When spraying outside the root, the spray surface should be as uniform as possible, avoid leakage and re-spray.
Huaxian County Shang Hongyan
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