Pro/E System Solutions (3)

Integrated architecture

The all-in-one architecture provides a modular solution with no redundancy, overlap or conflict between modules. A solution with an all-in-one architecture shares a unified data model, a unified set of business logic and process models, and a consistent, web-based, integrated user interface with a single sign-on form and a common look and feel. The only way to complete an all-in-one architecture is to plan it from the start, with sufficient time and resources, and create it through organized development activities. In this way, PTC provides an integrated architecture for its product development system. Create an all-in-one architecture that supports a wide range of applications without any shortcuts.

Pure internet architecture

To meet the needs of the different users that make up the digital product value chain, including members of various departments within the company and suppliers directly within the product development process, manufacturing partners, and users within the customer community, a purely Internet-like architecture It's required. A system that is not purely Internet-based architecture typically cannot connect so many user communities through a simple browser environment that is fully functional, secure, and integrated with LDAP and other critical IT infrastructure components. Windchill is unique in the PLM market because it was written in 100% Java code from the start. Windchill provides the broadest and most mature J2EE standard support that can be seamlessly deployed into existing Internet and security infrastructures and integrated using only the Internet and J2EE standards. Windchill is able to operate successfully from the corporate intranet to highly secure B2B transactions such as Exostar (A&D transactions), demonstrating that Windchill “has the necessary conditions for success” in complying with the digital product value chain.

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire completes the architecture because it is the first product design and development application that fully supports Web services and seamlessly connects to Windchill. With embedded peer-to-peer technology from Groove Networks, Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire also provides an online, real-time, multi-user environment designed to support the realities of product development in the digital product value chain.

Interoperable architecture

Even with an all-in-one architecture, integration with other traditional and currently used systems and tools in the customer environment is required. An interoperable architecture provides seamless integration with a wide range of CAD systems, powerful federal capabilities for maintaining data in complex system environments, standards-based integration with Business Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) technology, and a Web service basic structure. Despite being closely linked to Pro/ENGINEER, Windchill's architecture is further responsive to the need to integrate with other CAD applications and enterprise systems, thereby providing an interoperable layer necessary for a product development system.

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Inner Support Fabric Air Duct

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