Wheat soil testing and formula fertilization technology

Applicable area: wheat production area.
Through soil testing, we can understand the various nutrient supply capacities of the soil, so as to determine the reasonable fertilization scheme of wheat, so that the wheat can absorb various nutrients in a balanced manner, maintain the soil fertility level, reduce the pollution of the fertilizer to the environment, and achieve the purpose of high quality, high efficiency and high yield.
Technical application points:
1. Due to lack of filling. That is, what is added to the soil without any nutrients.
2. Balance fertilization. According to the results of laboratory analysis of local county-level soil and fertilizer stations, combined with the fertilizer requirements of different wheat varieties, rationally match different fertilizer varieties and dosage ratios, and carry out targeted scientific and rational fertilization.
3. Saving and efficient. Avoid repeated and blind fertilization, no waste of fertilizer, no pollution to the environment, high quality and high yield of wheat, and maximize the efficiency of various fertilizers.
4. When planting wheat, scientific fertilization should be carried out in strict accordance with the fertilization recommendation card issued by the local agricultural technology department.

(Wang Donghui)
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