Marble sheet specifications and test methods

There are two types of marble slabs: plain slabs (square or rectangular slabs) and shaped slabs (other shapes). In order to ensure that the joints are neat after being laid, the national standards stipulate the allowable deviation of the specifications of the marble plate, the allowable limit of the flatness tolerance, and the allowable limit tolerance of the angle. (1) Specification size allowable deviation Note: When the thickness is less than or equal to 15mm, the allowable thickness deviation on the plate is 1.0mm (it can be thick or thin on the standard thickness l.0mm, exceeding this value is unqualified When the thickness of the plate is greater than 15mm, the allowable thickness deviation on the same plate is 2.0mm. The length and width of the sheet must not exceed the specified value, but may be slightly lower than the specified value. When measuring the dimensions, the scale value is 1. A 0 mm steel ruler measures the length and width of the plate; the thickness of the plate is measured with a vernier caliper with a reading of 0.1 mm. '

(2) Permissible Flatness Tolerance Flatness refers to the degree of flatness of the plane of the sheet, which affects the flatness of the entire finish after the stone is laid. In the measurement, the flat steel ruler that meets the measurement requirements is placed on two diagonal lines of the plane of the plate to be inspected. Because the platen cannot be very smooth, there will be a gap between the flat surface and the plate surface. Feeler gauge to measure the gap size. If the length of the face plate to be inspected is greater than 1000 mm, a flat steel ruler with a length of 1000 mm is used to detect the segment diagonally. The flatness limit tolerance of the sheet is represented by the size of the maximum gap.

(3) The angle allowable limit tolerance patchwork plate, the angle between the front and side shall not exceed 90. The allowable limit tolerance of profiled sheet angle is negotiated between the supplier and the buyer. The angle refers to the angle between two adjacent sides in the plate plane. The angle between two adjacent sides of the general plate should be 90o. Measured with the specified 90 "steel square, the long side of the square close to the long side of the plate, short side close to the short side of the plate, with a feeler measure the size of the gap between the plate and the short side of the square. According to the provisions of the measurement of the plate The four corners of two diagonals or plates, with the maximum gap size as the allowable limit tolerance value of the angle

Plate purchase marble

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