How to realize the economical and practical

The refurbishment of old homes is like modifying a work that has already been formed. It takes more time than new homes. How to install the most economical? The designer will introduce the knowledge about the renovation of the old house.

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Old materials can be used as his way

There are many practical reasons for the renovation of old homes. The decoration style is aging. For example, the old style ceilings that were popular for more than a decade ago, and the old-fashioned decoration styles such as bare wood decoration, are now very outdated. If you want to be more concise and fashionable, you must Renovation of the original decoration.

The old houses that would like to be renovated are divided into many situations. Some houses are lived by themselves or their families, and some are second-hand houses. The old ones have been used for some time. Regardless of whether it is their own old house or an “other’s” old house, it is best not to “reinvent the wheel” when redecorating, because although some materials have been used, there are many years before the product’s life span, and such old materials can continue to be used. . It is also possible to remove the previous plates and make racks, benches, chairs, etc. These simple tasks are not a problem for the average level of carpentry. The key lies in their own creativity.

Remodel brick and mortar houses to be cautious

Unreasonable layout, small area, unreasonable function distribution, unreasonable lighting, etc. These are the “common diseases” existing in old houses. Therefore, many people equate new homes with a series of reconstructive projects such as wall-smashing and knocking. In fact, most of the old houses are brick-concrete structures. The wall first plays an important role in bearing earthquake resistance, and the second is the function of enclosing partitions. If only the load-bearing wall is destroyed in order to achieve an ideal spatial pattern, the weight bearing and seismic resistance of the wall will be weakened, resulting in potential safety hazards.

Xue Xiangyun reminded the owners of the renovated old houses that they must reconstruct their nests. They must take into account the structure and safety of the houses. They can boldly innovate on this basis. Otherwise, once they “move hands”, they will cause irreparable damage. .

Money saving decoration house decoration house window house style decoration decoration style floor tile shelf

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Lamp Beads 5050

5050rgb Lamp Beads are a kind of LED lamp beads. 5050 is named after the product size. RGB refers to the three primary colors of red, green and blue.
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