Potassium fertilizer can make the grape fruit sweet and big

Potassium fertilizer is mainly used in the grape growing season because it has many advantages such as fast absorption, good fertilizer efficiency and timely supply. The extra-spraying of potassium combined with the prevention and control of pests and diseases can save labor.

Grape is a kind of potassium-producing fruit tree. Under the condition of potassium deficiency, the yield of potassium is higher than that of non-potassium, the sugar content is high, and the coloring is good, the weight of single fruit is obviously increased, and the main diseases of grape (anthrax, black pox) Disease, etc.) is significantly inhibited.

It is proved by the practice of selecting the potassium fertilizer type that the potassium fertilizer should be sprayed outside the grape root, and the quick-acting potassium fertilizer such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium sulfate, high-quality grass ash leaching solution should be selected.

It is determined that the potassium spray outside the grape roots during the application period is mainly carried out during the expansion of the berries and the maturity of the berries. If the plant grows vigorously, it can also be sprayed when the young fruit begins to grow after the flower falls. At the same time of spraying potassium fertilizer, it is necessary to apply nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers to ensure that the potassium fertilizer can exert its fertilizer effect normally.

The spraying time should be sprayed on the cloudy or sunny day before 9:00 am and after 5 pm. It should not be sprayed at noon high temperature.

Pay attention to the spraying technique. Spray the potassium fertilizer on the outside of the grape root, and spray both sides of the blade on both sides.

After the other potassium application method, the appropriate amount of potassium fertilizer is applied in combination with the autumn application of the base fertilizer.

Source: Shaanxi Science and Technology News
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