Main points of fertilization management techniques for legumes and vegetables

Beans and vegetables refer to the annual or biennial herb of Leguminosae, mainly refers to the legumes of nine genera such as kidney beans, cowpeas, peas, edamame, broad beans, lentils, kidney beans, kidney beans, and quadrangular beans. Pods and fresh beans are served. The straight roots of legumes are developed, and there are different shapes of nodule symbiosis. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 1:1:1 . At the same time, trace elements such as molybdenum, boron, zinc and copper are needed. Beans and vegetables are fertilized to increase production.

   1 , Shiji fertilizer   The base fertilizer of legumes should be compounded with a late-acting compost, and it is not advisable to use too much nitrogen fertilizer as a seed fertilizer to prevent rotten seeds. Usually mu organic fertilizer 1000--1500 kg of bio-organic fertilizer 60--80 kg or 15 kg of urea, potassium chloride 15--20 kg or 100 kg ash, superphosphate 15--25 kg. Generally, the depth of application is 8 - 10 cm, and the seed is 6 - 8 cm.

   2 , root top dressing   Beans and vegetables need to be medium-fat, according to the principle of “basic fertilizer and supplemented by topdressing”. When the seedlings are thin, the nitrogen fertilizer is applied, and the concentration is appropriately increased as the plant grows. Generally, 20 kg of compound fertilizer is applied per mu .

   3 , root dressing   Foliar spraying is carried out with urea, ammonium sulfate, and calcium perphosphate leaching solution during the flowering and final flowering stages. Usually urea mu 1--2 kg potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1--2 kg plus Water 40 - 50 kg.

   4 , inoculation rhizobium   Artificial inoculation of Rhizobium before sowing can promote early formation and formation of nodules. Generally, the legume rhizobium agent is purchased from the market and applied according to the instructions for use. If no product Rhizobium, may be drawn, as will be the root of the legume crop strains, selecting large number of nodules, cut into a bag, in the cleaning of the matte with water, in a dark room 30 Dry under °C. After drying, mash it into a powder and store it in a cool dry place for 1 year. Before sowing, after the selected seeds are disinfected, spray a small amount of water to wet the surface of the seeds, and spray 50 g of the rhizobial agent to wet, and finally mix the two to sow.   

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