How to apply base fertilizer in dry and dry areas

Senior Consultant of Sinofert, Wang Xingren, Professor, China Agricultural University
Question: What are the main problems of Chinese farmers in the selection of fertilizers?
Experts: According to the survey, farmers should first consider the true and false fertilizers and prices when purchasing fertilizers, and rarely care about the ratio of fertilizers to fertilizers. For example, when talking with farmers in Weifang, Shandong Province, it was found that farmers who buy compound fertilizer do not care about the proportion of nutrients, what is cheap to buy, and a fertilizer for both bottom and topdressing. In response to this situation, I have repeatedly stressed on various occasions that the general-purpose or high-phosphorus potassium type should be used for the winter wheat of the compound fertilizer, and the high-nitrogen potassium type or the general type should be used for the summer corn. Topdressing mainly uses nitrogen fertilizer such as urea. If compound fertilizer is used, high nitrogen and low phosphorus type should be used.
Q: Can you give some advice to farmers' friends on the amount of fertilizer?
Expert: The amount of fertilizer applied depends mainly on the target yield, soil fertility and crop variety characteristics. In general, it is recommended to apply 1~3 square meters of organic fertilizer, 25~35 kg of compound fertilizer, or 15~20 kg of organic fertilizer (or 40~50 kg of superphosphate), urea 5~ 10 kg (or 15 to 30 kg of ammonium bicarbonate) and 3 to 8 kg of potassium chloride. This amount of fertilizer can be used as a reference for the preparation of fertilizer, and the specific dosage should be combined with the local conditions.
Q: How should the base fertilizer be applied in the case of straw returning?
Experts: The carbon-nitrogen ratio of crop straw is very high. The carbon content is several tens of times or even hundreds of times of nitrogen. When microorganisms decompose, they must compete with seedlings for nitrogen nutrition, resulting in yellow seedlings and weak seedlings. Therefore, when the straw is returned to the field, it is necessary to apply about 5 kg of urea per acre.
Q: The growth of rice seedlings is poor, and the emergence of seedlings is not good.
Expert: Rice buckwheat has a high groundwater level, soil viscosity, and short cultivation period. Therefore, it should be drained as soon as possible without affecting rice yield, and combined with trenching and clearing to reduce the groundwater level. Grab land preparation and sowing when the situation is appropriate, and improve the quality of sowing. Also pay attention to properly reduce the amount of nitrogen applied to the base fertilizer and increase the amount of potassium fertilizer applied.
Q: How to apply base fertilizer in dry and rain-stricken areas?
Experts: In arid areas, fertilization should be combined with drought-resistance and protection, and shallow tillage should be carried out 10 to 15 days before sowing. The sowing period should follow the principle of “there is no time to wait” and “time is not equal”. It is necessary to suppress the lifting of the shovel in time, covering the smashed straw or plastic film to protect the sputum. When fertilizing, it is necessary to increase the proportion of base fertilizer for bottom and topdressing; if it is a one-time fertilization, the nitrogen application rate of the base fertilizer should be about twice the amount of phosphorus applied, and the amount of potassium fertilizer can be appropriately reduced, generally not exceeding 5 kg.
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