Application characteristics and selection of screw pump

Due to its variable conveying capacity, self-priming ability, reversible capability and ability to transport liquids containing solid particles, the screw pump is widely used in conveying water, wet sludge and flocculant solution in sewage treatment plants. Screw pump selection should follow the economic, reasonable and reliable principles. If the design selection of ill-considered, will give future use, management, maintenance trouble, so the selection of a practical production needs, reasonable and reliable screw pump can ensure the smooth production, but also reduce repair costs . First, the speed of the screw pump selection Screw pump flow and speed into a linear relationship, relative to the low-speed screw pump, screw pump with high speed can increase the flow and lift, but the power increased significantly, high speed accelerated the rotor and Stator wear, the screw will inevitably lead to failure, and high-speed screw rotor rotor length is very short, easy to wear, thus shortening the life of the screw pump. Through reducer or stepless speed regulation mechanism to reduce the speed, the exploration speed maintained at a reasonable range of three hundred revolutions per minute, and high-speed operation of the screw pump, the service life can be extended several times. Second, the quality of the screw pump Screw pumps on the market now more types, relatively speaking, imported screw pump design, excellent material, but the higher prices, some services are not in place, high parts prices, long ordering cycle , May affect the normal operation of production. Most of the domestic production of imported products imitation, product quality varies greatly in the choice of domestically produced products, considering its cost-effective time, the choice of low speed, long lead, transmission parts of good quality, long life rating of the product.

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